"Hi There!đź‘‹"
I am Kushagra
I'm a Research student

About Me
I am Kushagra Bansal. A fourth year undergraduate student studying at National Institute of Technology Patna(NIT Patna). I love to solve mathematical puzzules, reading about space and astronomy and fictional novels.

Currently I am working as a Reserach intern at Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru (IISc. Bengaluru) I am well versed in Python and Haskell. I also love training neural networks to sometimes produce Mind-boggling results. I also have a strong grasp on machine learning algorithms, topological spaces, optimization and game theory.

Thanks for reading this, because of people like you, it exists and prospers! Cheers.

  • RNN and LSTM Network to generate music ➲

  • CNN model to solve a multi-class classification problem ➲

  • Whatsapp Bot and MS Teams automation ➲

  • Binary class classification model using Sci-Kit learn ➲
  • Research Intern at IISc. Bengaluru
    June,2021 - Present
    • Deriving the RNN and LSTM cell equations and using BPTT algorithm to train a one-to-many model to generate music and compare performance.

  • Operations Intern at BarRaiser
    May,2021 - Present
    • Co-ordinating and hosting interviews and working upon a feedback mechanism to improve the overall performance and environment.

Wanna Connect?! Just drop a message below. I shall be delighted to get in touch!

Reach me out!
</> with ❤ by Kushagra